After last month's article, driven by reader feedback, I got some additional complaints/ comments that the examples in the series thus far had been a bit on the trivial side. 上个月的文章发表后,我又收到了一些抱怨/评论,说我迄今为止在本系列中所用的示例都没涉及到什么实质性的问题。
Doing so isn't terribly difficult, but it does require two additional technologies: some server-side processing and a bit of Ajax. 完成此操作并不是很困难,但是需要使用两项额外的技术:一些服务器端处理和一点Ajax。
Detail on additional features provided by GEF and the Eclipse workbench are beyond the scope of this article, but you may be interested in knowing a bit about them 有关GEF和Eclipse工作台提供的其它功能的详细信息不在本文的讨论范畴之内,但是您可能有兴趣对它们稍做了解
In case of additional information required from the system ( the environment), the process is a bit more complex though. 对于需要系统(环境)提供更多信息的情况,过程有点儿复杂。
When you choose public transit in Google Maps, you need to provide one additional bit of criteria& the time you want to travel. 当您在GoogleMaps中选择了公共交通,您还需要提供一个额外的标准&您想要的出行时间。
Additional, the head of a bed needs place the lamp of an enough brightness, the demand that reads thing breaks up in order to satisfy a bit bigger child before fall asleep. 另外,床头须置一盏足够亮度的灯,以满足大一点的孩子在入睡前翻阅读物的需求。
Hopefully, we can find some additional pieces that will make us a little bit better next year. 希望我们能找到球队其他部分,让明年的我们变得更强。
At the control of an additional flag bit, the higher bits of the data cells that store VNV are closed to save its dynamic and static power consumption. 在标志位控制下,用来存放超窄数据的高存储单元将被关闭,以节省其动态和静态功耗。